The Andes Mountains, source of the Rivers

The River Maule and its tributaries begin in the Andes Mountains, born from crystal-clear lakes; they make their way between volcanos and Chilean oak native forests. It has all of the beauty from Southern Chile with a more benign climate and taller peaks, when visiting people usually drink the water directly from the streams, is cold and delicious!!
The Andes are sparsely populated, an ideal place to hike and be in contact with nature. There are some national reserves in the mountains, the two largest are named Altos de Lircay and Radal Siete Tazas. The “Seven Cups” (Siete Tazas) are carved in volcanic rock and are well-known kayaking destination within the Claro River.


Picture at left taken at Altos de Lircay National Reserve ( Second picture shows Paul Mc Rostie running 22 Saltos (taken by Maca Holzapfel, just above the Seven Cups).

Pictures of the Achibueno river, a tributary of the Loncomilla (which merges with the Maule at Santa Rosa de Lavaderos).